Dear Students
YMCLC is a child-safe organisation, and we have recently implemented a new Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy in line with the new Victorian Child Safe Standards. We have also introduced a Child Safety Officer who will be the point of contact for anyone wanting to raise concerns about a child's safety & wellbeing at YMCLC.
Even though we are an "adult education" learning centre, we do have some young people that are under the age of 18 undertaking our courses. To ensure everyone's safety and wellbeing, including our young people, please ensure that you are abiding by our Student Code of Conduct, both when you are in our Learning Centre and when you are online (either here on Moodle or on TEAMS/Zoom).
We will be updating our Student Code of Conduct over the Christmas/New Year Period so please familiarise yourself with this when you return. They will be displayed in each training room, along with the contact details of the Child Safety Officer.
Not long now till Christmas............
Sharron Johnson
Training Manager